So I went to see my cousin Sian yesterday. She had a baby a month ago and I only just been able to visit. Of course I bought a card and a few overpriced pieces of baby clothes which will be lucky to last longer than a month.
But anyway it dawned on me when I saw this baby how much of a baby person I really am NOT. I can look at a baby, coo like you're supposed to, call them cute like you're supposed to, ask all the baby questions like you're supposed to. I just feel uncomfortable around them though and when offered I just couldn't bring myself to hold this baby. Even if she wasn't as newborn as she'd been a month before, I just couldn't hold little Molly, this delicate thing. I felt I would break her by holding her, or hold her incorrectly. Then of course there are the smells, the noises, the constant worry over them.
It just sort it drilled it into my mind more that either I really don't want kids or I'm not ready at all. I think the former more. Of course I do know people who have said that they didn't like kids until they had their own and I'm sure any parent will say that the years of energy consumed for their children was worth it in the end, but I think I really could be happy enough not to have any myself.
I'm immature anyway, I doubt I could be a parent. I think I can live with 'just' being an aunt. I'll settle for that because I am the coolest fucking aunt.
See I love them when they are like Olivers age now. Of course I have loved Oliver at any age, even when he was a baby, though again I couldn't hold him when he was tiny and I remember having to babysit him one panicked afternoon when he was a few months old as my brother (Olivers dad) had to go to hospital. But yeah, give me a kid whos 3+ so they can control their bladder just about, be able to talk to you and tell you what they want and inbetween playing with them they can keep themselves quite amused on their own.
That's just perfect.
Speaking of Oliver, I just love that little kid more and more.
So the other day he was round playing with the lego I got for it. Just a few lego vehicles which he loves. Well because he's young still he has issues when pieces fall off, and he has to get me to mend them. I was just fixing the helicoper propellers back on and my dog comes over to me and sniffs the lego in my hands (as dogs tend to do when they see something they don't know which their master is holding and want to know what it is). Well Oliver saw that and said;
"No Frankie you can't play with the helicopter!". Which made me laugh. Then he looked around the sitting room and saw his old Thomas the Tank Engine train set thing which he used to love before lego and said;
"Frankie can play with Thomas" Which again made me laugh and I said thank you on the dogs behalf.
And then a bit later my mum offers him a biscuit.
"How many biscuits do you want Oliver? One?"
"I have twooo biscuits" he says, and he points this notion out by putting his two index fingers together as if in some kind of demonstration.
"Broken ones?" my mum asks.
"No! I have fixen ones!" which is the cutest thing ever he says.
So I head to the kitchen and get him his biscuits and of course the dog comes along to. As I'm getting out Olivers biscuits he just says;
"Frankie can have one". So I gave the dog a biscuit on his command. Just because I found it very sweet of him. See normally he'd just say about how Frankie only eats bones not food. I'm actually happy he is willing to share with a dog.
I don't doubt that this is due to my teaching, because as much as I love my sister-in-law she has a TERRIBLE attitude towards animals. Me and her are like complete opposites when it comes to any animal. Where as I will try my hardest not to harm a single creature she will with ease kill a single creature that is annoying her. She hates dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, anything. She finds animals disease ridden and even though she's gotten used to my dog you can tell she has issues with her being around still. Which is just her thing. I don't approve but she grew up that way. I would be damned though if my nephew had the same approach to animals.
He's going to have to grow up in an animal free home for sure. As I said my sister-in-law doesn't like them and my brother, while not being horrible to most animals is indifferent about them and certainly has killed his fair share of bugs in his past. I would just hate for my own nephew to be one of those kids afraid to say hello to a dog. It's always annoyed me when I'm walking my dog and I see these mothers who like stop, grab their children and almost shield them as if every dog they cross wants to bite them and infect them somehow, and they look at ME as if I'm some evil dirty person for daring to have such a vile creature.
So yes I don't want that of Oliver. So I've always encouraged him to be nice to the dog. To say hello to her, to pat her. Of course I don't expect or even want him to be as bat shit crazy about animal welfare as I am. I just want him to respect animals in this world and the way things are going, hopefully he will.
And that is all I want of my nephew.
I kind of lost my point about this blog again somewhere. I tend to ramble on.
I'll have to update this blog later with a cute picture of Oliver of course. Because, you know.