I've probably mentioned before to people but I dream a lot. This is something I like and about the only thing that makes sleep pleasurable for me. I have a fear of sleeping due to past experience with sleep apnoea. Anyway.
I dream a lot. I've never tried to attempt lucid dreaming and to be honest I doubt highly that I could. For me, my dreams are always very life like. I never once in all my years of dreaming have been able to think "This is a dream". Every thought, feeling, action of my dream feels real to me. Like I'm sure to most of you too. This can be a blessing when you have a good dream or more likely a curse when you have bad ones.
I tend to have bad dreams. For example 3 nights in a row now I've had psychological dreams, where I know my sleeping mind is trying tell me something. Something I need to do, or do better at, to focus on. I get a lot of dreams like this because I tend to ignore the messages of them. I think a lot of them want me to address that fact that I most likely am really alone as I dream of friendships a lot, which is something I try to avoid in real life.
Other than that my main dream is horror. I have many horror dreams which isn't a good thing when you're convinced they're real. Saying this though, I would rather have a nightmare every night for the rest of my life then have one fantastic dream just once before I die.
But yeah, what I actually wanted to talk about was a particular dream I had 2 nights ago. It was a psychological dream overall but in that dream I happened to be watching a show with someone. As we watched it felt like I had a wobbly tooth. I've not lost a tooth this way for years now but I still recall the sensation of it well. So yes, in this dream as I was watching the show, my tooth got wobbly. I pressed another tooth to it and part of the wobbly tooth kind of fell off. It was loose, broken and falling apart. I kept on watching the show and eventually the whole tooth has like come away from my mouth. Eventually other teeth fell out too (I'm sure there is a British teeth joke here somewhere yes), and at the end of it I had no teeth left. I had a mouth full of loose teeth which I spat out slowly one by one and although it was a dream the sensation of having no teeth was incredible. I could literally feel just gums and nothing else. It was crazy. I was panic strucken in the dream of course about it, and went to someone to see if they could glue the teeth back in but I woke up before anything was done. Yes though, while it was a dream, it never failed to amaze me just how real it all can seem, and for those moments in that dream I knew how it felt to have no teeth.
I'm pretty sure I know why I dreamt this too. I seem to dream about the little things. Things that are just offhand remarks or actions seem to turn into my dreams. For example earlier that day my sister-in-law was round with my nephew and she and my mother were chatting. I happened to overhear some of that conversation, and I'm sure that my whole reason for dreaming of broken teeth was just this;
Amina: Oliver keeps grinning his teeth though.
Mum: Leanne used to do that when she was his age.
Just one little snippet from a conversation and I'm sure that is the reason behind the strange dream. This isn't the first time something like this has happened either. It just impresses me that your subconscious seems to make note of it, remember it, use it.
I don't know. Just felt like sharing that dream and this blog got a little long as tends to happen when I ramble on about something.
On a sleep related note I got to be careful what I say in future.
At work I was just chatting to my colleague about a number of things and she just asked me ramdomly if I snored. Without thinking I just answered "Well some people tell me I have before". Of course the moment I said that she went into an almost frenzy like state; "Oh my god Leanne, people? People? Who have you had in your bed then? Tell me, tell me?!". I felt literally embarrassed straight away as my comment was completely innocent and by 'people' I simply meant family or friends who used to stay over on ocassion. Of course as someone who is 23 I guess it is expected that someone would be sharing a bed with me every now and then (I know right). I think I panicked after her response and she accused me of going red, which I was. Then I thought with some horror, 'omg, what if she thinks I'm lesbian?'. Then I thought with some delight, 'omg, what if she thinks I'm a lesbian?!". I opted out of course and changed the subject completely which she allowed. I did worry though as I left yesterday evening if she would remember the conversation and repeat it to our boss who was working that evening and that they would try to work out exactly just who I was entertaining in my bed.
Your my inspiration.
Ok thank you.