So I'm dreaming and having a good time, which is unusual - me having a good time in a dream. Usually I'm getting murdered or just having a random nightmarish dreams where I'm not involved, but anyway.
I was having a good dream. I can't recall much of it now sadly due to the ending of the dream which has since engulfed my mind. I just about remember some kind of event that went wrong because of this other woman but everything for everyone else was fine and I was laughing and happy and doing stuff but anyway.
I recall that woman got like a bulldozer and like used it to destroy some art display outside, which was fine to everyone, it was a joke. Then I can't remember much now but I'm sure it was mentioned that she was upset because she had been raped or I just knew that.
All of a sudden the dream changes and I'm waking up (in the dream). I knew what was going to happen and I saw myself standing over the bed I was sleeping in. That vision of me had the eyes darkened to a shadow and it was like an anime style which was creepy and nude, and it was just standing there by the bed looking (I assume) at nothing. Actually it looked nothing like me but it was me and I knew that and I knew what that meant. I had raped the woman. I don't know how that works but I did. I'm grateful the dream didn't show it. Then dream me got out of bed and I could see the raped woman now. Thankfully she wasn't crying or upset she was actually going on about some government thing but I wasn't listening. I was coming to terms with the horror that I was a rapist.
I got out of the bed and went over to the window. There were blue vans coming into the area. I closed the balcony doors as quickly as I could and sat down on the floor holding onto myself. The vans were filled with men, obviously trying to find the rapist - me. I sat there and was still able to see through the windows and watched the men leaving the vans. I just sat and waited. At one stage the doors to the balcony opened but then closed again. I felt my dream self panic a bit but still I waited to be caught. I didn't trying to move or run, I just waited and waited getting more worked up in the dream.
I then woke up and I was scared, really fucking scared about it.
I'm not sure how it sounds when you read this. I can't really recreate in word form the terror of the dream, but it shook me quite a bit.
So yeah.
I'm a dream rapist.
Have you ever wanted to rape someone?
Also I gotta say that's a pretty out-there dream.
I don't think I've ever wanted to rape someone