[Touch Me And I Feel On Fire]

Age 37, Female


Kent, England

Joined on 5/21/06

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Weight Diary

Posted by Gagsy - February 1st, 2012

So I'm just going update this weekly I think, it might help motivate me too because I don't want to look like a further failure by having a bad week.


Week 1: Weight loss - 6 lbs

Week 2: Weight loss - 6 lbs

Week 3: Weight loss - 1/2 lb

Week 4: Weight loss - 5 1/2 lbs

Week 5: Weight loss - 4 lbs

Week 6: Weight loss - 1 lb

Week 7: Weight loss - 2 lbs

Week 8: Weight loss - 3 lbs

Week 9: Weight loss - 3 lbs

Week 10: Weight loss - 3 lbs

Week 11: Weight loss - 3 lbs

Week 12: Weight loss - 4 lbs

Week 13: Weight loss - 1 lb

Week 14: Weight loss - 3 1/2 lbs

Week 15: Weight gain - 1/2 lb

Week 16: Weight loss - 5 lbs

Week 17: Weight gain - 2 lbs

Week 18: Weight loss - 2 1/2 lbs

Week 19: Weight loss - 0

Week 20: Weight loss - 3 lbs

Week 21: Weight loss - 0

Week 22: Weight gain - 1 lb

Week 23: Weight loss - 2 1/2 lbs

Week 24: Weight loss - 1 1/2 lbs

Week 25: Weight loss - ??????

Week 26: Weight loss - 0

Week 27: Weight loss - 4 lbs

Week 28: Weight gain - 1 lb

Week 29: Weight loss - ??????

Week 30: Weight loss - 1 lb

Week 31: Weight gain - 2 1/2 lbs

Week 32: Weight loss - 6 lb

Week 33: Weight loss - 1 1/2 lbs

Week 34: Weight gain - 2 1/2 lbs

Week 35: Weight loss - ??????

Week 36: Weight loss - 1 lb

Week 37: Weight loss - 1 1/2 lbs

Week 38: Weight gain - 2 1/2 lbs

Week 39: Weight gain - 2 1/2 lbs

Week 40: Weight loss - 2 lbs

Week 41: Weight gain - 3 lbs

Week 42: Weight gain - 1/2 lb

Week 43: Weight gain - 1 lb

Week 44: Weight loss - 1 1/2 lbs

Week 45: Weight gain - 1/2 lb

Total Weight loss so far: 59 lbs

Its been a funny month. Struggling to get used to my new shifts and not getting about much I put on some weight. Naturally I wasn't eager to update this blog that week, plus I wanted to wait till my nephew was born and he was late! The next week I missed my Weight Watchers meeting as I was sleeping. Got back into things after that but its been slow. Taken me 3 weeks to get off the weight I put on during week 34. Which is a little concerning but hopefully I'll push on now. I'm more used to my new shifts so got my eating habits sorted. The issue now is still getting out for my dog walking. Going in the right direction though.

If I can manage another pound off next week then I'll be happy. 5 pounds to go till it'll be 5 stone lost. Which would be incredible. Be like losing the average weight of an 8 year old child off my person. Insane. I need to get there.


This is Callum. My third nephew and by no means any less special. He's my eldest brothers first child and it feels like this one has been trying to get here for a long time. Longer than the 9 months it took for him to arrive, longer than the couple of early miscarriages my brothers girlfriend had. Its like we've just been waiting for him forever. At least thats how I feel.

My brother Dan, he's going to be a fantastic father. And I mean no disrespect to my other brother, he's a decent dad still. Decent enough. Its just for Dan this is what he has wanted for a long long time and there was a huge worry that it would never come for him and Alison (his girlfriend). And its going to be just natural for him to be a great dad. Callum is a lucky boy and we're lucky to have him here too.

Weight Diary


You're well on your way to becoming the weight devil.

I don't know what that means but it sounds erotic.

Just how much do you weigh?

Too much.

Cool story bro

I'm glad that you enjoyed it.

Because if you lose 6 pounds this week, you'll have 666

I let you and me down :(

Proud of you dawg, keep it up.

I love you.

I love you more ugly hat <3

Also good luck to your brother's girlfriend. It's gotta fucking suck miscarrying.
Good luck to you, too, of course. I don't think I've wished you luck in your weight loss yet.

Yeah I hope more than my own happiness for my brothers. He wants it so badly and I want it for him too. It's still so damn early and his girlfriend is never well, she is always in and out the hospital for various health concerns. He's making sure that she does like nothing. She isn't working atm and though its only like 2 months, he makes sure she is rested and doesn't lift anything heavy. That she is stress free. I think she doesn't mind that. Just hope it works. And thanks.

Good luck with the dieting. Hope your brother and his girlfriend do alright with whatever happens. I know how that is.

Thank you :)

Im doing Insanity, we will do this TOGETHER! <3

Good luck brother :) <3


Thank you.


I hope you've still been seeing some success with your weight loss. I'm still [attempting] to exercise daily for about an hour, but it can be hard to find motivation sometimes.

I am slowly getting used to this redesign. I do like this new wide layout, though. Everything looks all fresh and new, but I'll always have a soft spot for the old layout.


Good luck yourself with your goals and thank you again for your kindness towards me :)

I'm still getting used to the layout, some things I like, some things I don't. I still prefer the old layout but before long that should change. Not going anywhere anyway because of it =P

God dammit Gagsy you'll never earn favor with the devil at this rate. Get your shit together!

Also, about that girl citricsquid mentioned, you could definitely lose 18lbs in 4 weeks with those first two weeks done. Just 5 and a half more pounds to go for that.
You can totally do that <3

I'm a terrible servant of the dark lord :(

I don't know. I've eaten more carbs this week than I would have liked to, but damn I do feel so hungry on my periods. Sorry gross talk. And I couldn't go swimming. :( I've been good otherwise and still taking long walks, I just have that feeling that its another not so brilliant week. I shall see. Thank you though for the continuing support <3

Well at least you are still losing. And your monthly will hinder you alot, with retaing fluids and all. There are healthy snacks out there. You may want to take some to work with you. it can be very discouraging not losing your set amount, but you are on the right path.

There are too many negatives for periods. Men don't realise just how good they have it sometimes.

And yeah for healthy snacks I'm doing alright. I can't stick to fresh fruit for long as it gets so boring if I'm honest and the cost creeps up too high for buying the sort I like. I've been having some fruit packs though and even tinned fruit (not in syrup), just because its easier and honestly tastier. The cost for the fresh fruit packs isn't cheap really but it just makes eating fruit regularly easier for me, and gives more variety for what you pay for.

And carrot sticks with low fat hummus is just lovely.

And thank you :)

Don't get too skinny

Gotta leave some booty

I'm not talking about no regular booty neither

I mean 'damn girl that has it's own zip code' booty

I'll work on that just for you Gob.

I can't find the games with medals list anymore, so i'm using your page for medals.

Good luck on the weightloss x


i apologize if that seems insincere, i've known someone also having weight problems, myself also needs to lose most of my stomach lol, and i understand it's quite tough. I hate the fact i love food!

Lol honestly its fine, I actually have used other peoples medal lists too so I can find games I haven't noticed before with medals. I'm a little flattered that you're using mine actually ^_^

And thanks for the comment, yes it is hate and yes why is food so lovely?

Good Luck! :3

Thank you!

I can eat, eat, eat, eat, eat and not gain an ounce in weight...

Well good luck!

Thank you!

You seem to be going to both extremes, have to find a balance and stop bingeing.

I don't really binge though.

Period talk doesn't bother me, it happens, I don't really care. As long as I don't have to look at it.
After that, though, you should be good right? I mean as long as you don't gain 13lbs every time you get your period, you're still making progress.

I hope so. The problem for me is keeping up good habits though. I'm spending more now on food than ever before so that I don't get bored with the healthy eating. Going to make sweet and sour prawns with rice tonight. Which probably sounds worse than it actually is. The worst ingredient is actually a few tablespoons of groundnut oil which I'll try to use less of.

What the fuck. I did not mean to post that four times.

I ought to ban you!

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