No, he really is a little shit.
Like, he chews shoes, barks at the tiniest sound, growls at people when they come inside the house who aren't me, nips me in play, nipped my brothers when they had their backs turned properly, tries to hump me way too much, covered in knots and tangles which I need to get shaved off at a groomers (not his fault really), goes to toilet in the worse places indoors, gets empty wrappers out of my bin to try and eat, bites slugs until they die a sad painful death and digs up the garden.
But look at him.
He's an adorable little shit. Hard to stay mad at that.
A lot bigger than his picture I had, but then he was around 3 months old in that. He's now 7 1/2 months old here and appears to have had a major growth spurt you see 12 year old boys get, when they appear to shoot up a foot in height in the space of a week.
He's sweet though. This picture below was taken just over an hour after we got him home. He was very nervous straight away. Didn't want to get out of the car, he had felt safe in there. I picked him up to carry him indoors and then he struggled, gave my arm two masive bruises and little cuts when he tried to get away. Not bites, just bad scratches. Anyway, he spent the hour just sniffing the grass in the garden, taking things slow. We fed him a bit, he stayed away from us mostly though, then suddenly he's just running, trying to round me up as collies tend to do, and jumping at me, letting me stroke him, then trying to lick my neck, then he's on all fours rolling on his back for me. Its as if a lightbulb switched on in his mind and he knew that I was good people, not the bad kind he'd met in his life up to that point. And I still believe that dogs can sense when humans are dog lovers. Frankie, my old dog, she used to pine when my dads friend came over many years ago. Cause he was just like a big dog himself, and he showed a lot of love for her, for any dog and I swear they can sense the love in them and I that little Oscar could sense that from me. Sense that I wasn't going to turn on him, that things would be good with me.
Anyway, we then spent an hour or so playing out there. The poor boy looked confused when I threw him a tennis ball as if the concept of having fun was a new thing to him. He got it though after a few tries. Now he loves to plays, its as if he's making up for time lost there. Which is a little tragic.
Eventually me and my mother went inside the house and we let him slowly make his own way in, Let him sniff out the rooms, let him get comfortable with it all. 2 weeks later the garden is a mess, my bedroom is a constant bomb site and oh god the barking. But that will take time and he is still young. I just hope he can learn to love people just as much as we love him.
More pics;
2 (note my Frankie shrine in the background)
It must be hard getting a shelter animal. I'm worried about my cat when I move. I don't know how you can endure this.
What is his name?
His name is Oscar! I forgot to mention that.
It is hard, but its worth it. He has his issues but he's so loving. Makes it all worth it.