[Touch Me And I Feel On Fire]

Age 37, Female


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Online dream diary

Posted by Gagsy - January 22nd, 2011

Feel free to read and comment about my dreams if you want. It's just that I seem to dream (or remember them anyway) every night and it helps if you're trying to practice lucid dreaming (something I feel I'll never be able to do) to write down your dreams almost as soon as you wake up. I haven't this first morning so details have already escaped me somewhat but from now on once I get to work (I get up early enough as it is, I can't afford an extra 5 minutes to write down dreams) I shall get online and 'jot' them down here.

Also I had this weird sensation the other night. I say sensation for lack of a better word really. I blame it to be ill as I recall having this before when I got flu during Christmas. I was laying in bed half sleeping I believe and then I felt something acidy or like bile shooting up my body. It came to my throat and stopped there. Then I couldn't breathe. Literally I gasped for air and it wouldn't come. I tried to swallow then breathe again and nothing. This went on about 5 times, me gasping until finally sweet oxygen began to fill my lungs. I've no idea why it happened and how the acidy bile was the cause. I asked my mother about it and she reckons it was indigestion, though I don't know how indigestion can cause you to stop breathing. I've had sleep apnea before but this was different and scarier. Oh well.

Also watch these please;




Dream Diary:

Night 1: 21/01/11

Most of mankind dead. Apocalypse type feeling. Mum and brother Carl are still alive, don't remember my other brother or dad being around. Electricity was still working and I'd turned to stealing/looting to providing for us seeing as most people were gone. I remember not feeling upset about this outcome. It was almost a pleasant dream for me.

Night 2: 22/01/11

Somewhat of a recurring dream which I never realised before now. It was to be with my inabilty to complete homework/coursework which was my downfall at college. In the dream I was attempting to catch a bus to school, that is really the main focus on the dream, even though I did mention not finishing my work and taking the uncompleted work with me with the intention to complete it on arrivial to school (which in the dream I never actually do) the point of this thread was all about catching the bus which in the dreams is something I seem to struggle at. Like I never give myself enough time or it's too early and just issues. Always a drama. Maybe that is to do with me not giving myself enough time in the mornings to get to work.

Night 3: 23/01/11

The details of this dream are slipping away fast. It felt so crystal clear at the time. There was a boat, some kind of crossing a river, a room of bugs, discussions with hot chocolate and having Draco Malfoy and his two goons as a kind of Three Stooges nememis - which was fun because we all like dreaming about our favourite fandom. I recall putting some little wooden duck craving on sale and it went for 2p and I wanted to sell it elsewhere where it was worth more.. less boring then it sounds. It was a nice dream actually, shame I won't remember it at all in a few hours.

Night 4: 24/01/11

No alarm wake this morning so even less memories of the dream, especially as I couldn't jump straight online. Hazy now. Some kind of family fight which makes sense considering the dramatic turn of my family in recent times. Oh well. Try again tomorrow.

Night 5: 25/01/11

More random events involving a party in a giant block of flats which evolved into a bit of chaos and from there I assumed the role of a boy walking down an old abandoned railway line. It was met to be abandoned though a train still came down one of the lines.. Anyway when the boy got to the end he found a little like shack or hut where some man lived. From the feeling I got in the dream he was someone in hiding due to being a pedophile killer. I'm sure it all ended well for the boy. I'm not sure as the dream changed then.

Night 6: 26/01/11

Towards the end of my sleep (I know this as I woke up a couple of times) I was dreaming about a different number of ways in which I could be late for work. Then when my alarm goes off and I attempt to drag myself out of bed, I move my leg in an awkward position (thanks to dog sleeping on the bed with me) and got the most horrible cramp which rendered me useless for about 10 minutes then when I did get up I was hobbling for another 10 minutes slowly around the house. Thus making me late for wake. Go figure.

Night 7: 27/01/11

Another party in this dream, thankfully I can remember more of it. It was fancy dress and like a dozen people came as Tron guys - well similiar to that anyway with lit up costumes. I myself went as a female tennis player - don't ask me why. And there were a mixed various of real people and fictional people there. Then after the party we were all round my aunts and for some reason needed to buy a bedsheet, so we went to this shop that did normal stuff like that and several of the guests must have been non-human or wixards or something because they were amazed by everything normal and 'Ohhhed' and 'Awwed' at a train set. Bizarre but enjoyable.

Night 8: 28/01/11

Dream involving work. Various weird things and such one involving a tomb that was supposed to be housing Hitlers dead body but it actually had some living evil guy who I released. And other stuff happened. idk.

Night 9: 29/01/11

Something involving bugs at a family get together of sorts that went wrong (of course)

Night 10: 30/01/11

Another back to school type dream. Again I was failing to do the work set to me. I was somewhat happy about this dream though as it featured the hottest teacher we had at my old school Mr Brown - he's fucking gorgeous and had peers from school that I miss somewhat. For some reason I recall the school being in French and a lot of travelling through an airport. A blimp was also present for some reason.

Night 11: 31/01/11

Really interesting dream. I even dreamt about Chelseas signing Torres, which is nice to know that I can dream about things I've focused on in the day. Everytime I used to hope that it would never seem so. In the dream dad was being secretive, family were acting strange and everyone was questioning Torres ability. Plus a mad bus ride with a Liverpool fan and the bus like flew over the city.

Night 12: 01/02/11

Second night in a row where I've dreamt about something that I've thought about in the day. Well, I finally got round to watching the first episode of The Walking Dead, and what did my dream feature last night? A fucking zombie apocalypse. Brilliant. I should watch an evening of porn and see if I have a sexy dream tonight. Nah. Also, I was annoyed when I woke up because one part of the dream included receiving a free Wii and 2 X-Box 360s which my dream self was going to sell :(

Night 13: 02/02/11

Remembered less as I allowed myself to sleep on for a bit after turning off my alarm this morning. It did involve footballers again and transfers. Lets hope tonight involves a sexy dream with Torres in his Chelsea kit. Yes please.

Night 14: 03/02/11

Last night I watched a show called marchlands. It's not really scary but it does have a spirit/ghost vibe to it. Saying that the only spooky part was when this woman tried to turn on a washing machine and the sink turned on instead, or when the kitty drowned. HOWEVER, after watching this one hour of mild tv, I had to have a fucking scary dream about it didn't it. And the ghostly character in the show (Alice) turned up in my dream. Only in my dream she was a lot scarier because she appeared and did horrible things and scared us all. The dream ended with me offering a hand job to the owner of the hand. Oh dear. I woke up briefly. Which led me to;

Night 14 and a half: 03/02/11

Once I got back to sleep I kind of continued the spooky dreamness but there were more 'ghosts' now and somehow I was a witch as I had a mother fucking wand and some of the cast of Harry Potter were present. It was actually alright, near the end I was waving my wave madly at one of the spirits until he stopped. They seemed to be normal pople who just somehow got 'taken over'. Torres was also in my dream again. He's a major crush factor now.


That thing with the bile feeling choking in your sleep happens occasionally to me as well, although I do not show characteristic signs of having such a thing to begin with (i.e. I am of normal stature, average weight, and do not eat immediately before sleeping).

Dream diaries are also something I should take note of, as I have had very intense, vivid non-lucid dreams where all manner of chaos and destruction occur. Seeing as many users already do dream and have similar experiences, there also seems to be a dream interpretation/diary club in the C&C if you search for it - it may suit our interests, although it's been dead for almost two years.

My most recent dream was heavily influenced by Dead Rising 2, where I imagined myself to be the main protagonist of an undead zombie apocalypse video game of a similar vein. I ended up walking alone around a typical mega-mall populated by zombies and psychopathic antagonists, getting into a fight with a few of the latter.

The most memorable of these fights was when I was pitted against three lunatic hood skanks working at an Orange Julius knock-off and demanding overtime pay, believing me to be their job evaluation officer. They got pissed that I didn't deliver the goods and proceeded to take me on all at once - charging me with assorted combo weapons such as a whip with straight razors at their tips, a baseball bat wrapped in razor wire, and a nail-gun aerosol can grenade launcher.

I beat them down after a long, drawn-out battle and proceed my search for sane survivors, but was summoned by Asuka Soryuu Langley to get my stupid ass down to the underground tunnels for some reason. I then tried to look for a vehicle of some sort to get there quicker, having to fight off a disgruntled war vet in an armored maintenance cart and his 'band of brothers' (armoured zombies) for car keys to a minivan. I woke up shortly afterwards.

What do you think of that?


Hmm, strange about the bile thing. I mean I am overweight but the only characteristic I think that causes me to have it is when I am ill and consuming more fluids which generally makes me feel more gassy. Strange. I might mention it to my doctor the next time I see him but hopefully after this cold goes I won't have another one for a while.

Me and you seem to have similiar dreams from the sounds of it. Vivid is usually my favourite word when describing them and your words of chaos and destruction seem to ring home with me too. Scary is more true with most of my dreams actually but no need to get into that now.

As for resurfacing an old club I'm not so sure about that. Might be interesting to go through but I've never been the C&C type. Everytime I join in a club I just lose interest in coming back. It's probably why I like General so much because once the thread is gone then you can move onto others.

I want to say that it looks like you play too much Dead Rising =P That is probably insulting though. You're right about it being incredibly vivid. In a lot of my dreams I might just go from one 'scene' to another with no connection at all but yours here was like a story. I would love to take a stab at what it all means but any guess I had would be woefully wrong I imagine.

Thanks for sharing it though.

dream diaries are fun. <a href="http://www.dreammoods.com">http://www.dreammoods.com</a> is a good online dream dictionary if you want to try and analyze your dream.

i had one last night where i was icarly D:

I use an app on my iphone based on that site I believe.

icarly? Oh noes D:


You found out my favourite secret! D:

I have problems with remembering a dream and then falling asleep again and forgetting it when I wake up again

Many a good dream has been lost because of that

Make a dream diary my dearest Gob!

As our resident dream expert I genuinelly want your views on my dreams.

I seem to dream strange, almost alternative daily life situations. It's like a normal day with everyone I know, but I'm living in a different house which is usually a much bigger version of either one of our old homes or someone else's house.

They also generally end up with me vividly having sex, or foreplay, with someone (normally a girl from my past) but we never finish, something gets in the way so we stop and carry on as if nothing happened.

Like seriously, what's up with this shit.

I also happen to be fully aware I'm in the dream, but have absolutely no control over my body and seem to just play along.

I'd GUESS that the house thing has to do with having big dreams you want to fulfill or something. That you plan to do something and the bigger house represents that desire to, because you want more then you currently have.

The sex part probably is about intimacy (well any dream thing seems to think all sex dreams are about intimacy). Maybe you feel unable to give yourself completely to a girl and the stopping during sex goes to show that. You stop before you can er 'complete the transaction' because of outside interference and then try again. Not sure whether you finish the second time around or if you wake up beforehand but it could be interesting to know. Because perhaps the dream is trying to show you that you are unable to give yourself to a girl right now.

Also I'm very likely talking bollocks.

Gagsy be nice to me. :(


You're always horrid to me..

I should read this dream diary, OH LOOK A DOG

Bow wow wow.



fat idiot

Don't go breaking my heart.

There is a really good online dream dictionary at <a href="http://www.dreambible.com">http://www.dreambible.com</a>