Mentioned it before but I do love dreaming. It's intriguing really, no matter how nasty the dream in question is, I still always am glad to remember the dreams.
I've noticed though that I don't have any recurring dreams, they are all new to me every night. There is however one theme in my dreams that keeps cropping up every now and then and that is;
Sometimes in my dreams I will just like pull out a hamster cage and in my dream the hamsters have been alive for years and I have to feed them and clean the cage as I forgot about them.
I don't find this too weird. Like most kids I had hamsters as pets back when I was younger. Its not too often though that I dream about my old pets, even my beloved dog now I rarely dream about. I assume the whole having to feed them and cleaning the cage thing is down to my own guilty memory of when I had a hamster called Chelsea that I 'inherited' off my bed. I looked after her fine for that year or two, then I got my little puppy and I stopped caring so much about the hamster. I still fed her, cleaned the cage but I stopped feeling bothered about her. And when she died and I noticed I felt guilty that she might have been dead in her cage for a day or so before I even bothered to look.
I believe that is where the neglect thing in the dream comes from.
As for the hamsters themselves, which are always different so don't seem to resemble any of my past pets - like I've never stopped in the dream and thought of them ever being my old pets. They're just hamsters who are pets in my dreams but were not pets in my real life. If that makes sense.
Anyway, I love my Dream app. I know these little dream analysis aren't exactly gospel truths but I find the idea of interpreting dreams interesting none the less. So I search for the reasoning behind hamster dreams and I get;
"To see a hamster in your dream represents underdeveloped emotions. You are distancing yourself from others so that you won't end up getting hurt. It may also indicate that issues of sexuality are trivial to you. You are able to separate sex and love."
I KNOW that half of these descriptions for dreams are negative or about homoerotic sex somehow but this just seems spot on for me.
I dreamt I was a dragon and I was in love with another dragon.
How about that? :P