So I just received a nice little suprise in the post in the form of a Behemoth squeezy chicken, which I actually wanted to buy before they sold out, even if this little fella sadly lost its tail which is being held on with sticky tape.
With the chicken was a little postcard from Luis thanking me for my continued sponsoring of NG goods.
I'm sure the decision to send it to me actually went like this;
Random NG employee number 1: Oh this chicken is broken, see the tail came off.
Random NG employee number 2: Well we can't sell that one now.
Random NG employee number 3: Just send it to one of the bigger losers who keeps buying our dumb shit and get back to working on the NG chat.
Random NG employee number 2: Yeah, then they will think it's a really nice thing for us to do and keep buying our dumb shit.
Random NG employee number 1: Haha, ok.
But that's ok because I will keep buying the dumb shit here.
Merry Christmas
Hahahah, mailing random stuff to you?
You've got a stalker.