[Touch Me And I Feel On Fire]

Age 37, Female


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Why are guys typically jerks?

Posted by Gagsy - April 27th, 2010

I could probably make this into a topic but I don't need dozens of comments from kids thinking I'm on my period or something, so you know, be warned.

This thought of mine comes from my revisit to Stickam the other night. I actually had fun talking to Slap and Freaki and everything was just nice for a change, the usual banter was too present which helps the laughs still.

Anyway, a typical Stickam randomer guy comes on. Big mouth, nothing else. He pipes up on his mic to Slap "You're in here talking to fat bitches". I was on cam at the time, so obviously knew who the comment was directed at. I don't run and hide online, not like I do irl, so I sat there just listening to this twit talking, then when I started speaking, I got a load of shit from this guy, of course about my weight. I play along like I always do until I had enough of him and rightly kicked him.

Then I was thinking later about how I see this kind of behavior from the NG users too. Whenever a random girl enters the Stickam room, if she's not that good looking she'll get slated straight away. The girl doesn't even have to talk before the usual males are there trying to upset/anger/troll her, and if she's good looking? Well everyone will just ask for tits, or insult her for being vain or some shit.

I mean, I get it all the time. I'm used to it, even when it's from NGers I know on somewhat of a personal level, I still get the digs and the jokes, and eventually enough of them wear down on you, and I ask myself; Is it JUST because I'm fat? I don't think I'm a bad person, or THAT bad a person. Sure I'm a big moral fag sometimes but am I that much of a horrible person that people - people I have generally gotten along with see me as nothing but a fat waste who they have some right to just laugh about as if I'm nothing more then body fat?

Seriously I'd love to know.

So anyway. I wonder, why do boys do this? Us girls are generally much less driven by looks. We'll give anyone the time of day to talk before we openly mock or judge them. Unless of course the girl who is doing the judging is a total bitch, but most of us actually aren't. Some are just too sheltered and naive and too damn pretty to see anything beyond their own reflection. This works for guys too though.

So why do guys judge firstly and mostly on looks alone, yet girls will tend to listen first and be more accepting of that guy as long as they aren't a total dickhead or something.

What gives average looking males the right to judge solely on the looks and usually in a negative fashion before a girl can even talk? And even after she's proven that she is a person to still get the same amount of shit back?

If being skinny means I'd start treating people of different weight badly just because I'd be skinner, then I guess this is the one time I'm glad to be who I am.


"Us girls are generally much less driven by looks"

"So why do guys judge firstly and mostly on looks alone, yet girls will tend to listen first and be more accepting of that guy as long as they aren't a total dickhead or something."

That's completly not true and I'm sure you know that, to be honest I'd say it's the other way round. I think the answer is obvious, and it's not just guys.

The whole world does the same thing, humans judge by looks (and that is human nature, better looking is usually who people will mate with) we judge society and who is popular and who is not by their appearance and looks.

It's nothing new; and considering you're on the internet where anyone can say pretty much anything to anybody while hiding behind there IP address and monitor you wouldn't of been the first to be insulted.

It's not just guys, on the internet, sure, seeing as the internet is highly populated by males. IRL it goes both ways.

Oh god I know it's not just the guys, but I tend to have found in my personal experience that girls will be the kinder sex unless of course you upset them and then nothing can stop them.

Yeah I heard years ago that an employer will know within like 5 seconds of an interview whether they want to hire you or not, which comes down to your appearance and the handshake (unless you really fuck the interview up of course). Looks ARE the first thing we judge someone on. If I saw someone with a big birthmark on their face that would be the first thing I think about. The same when I saw an albino guy in real life, I couldn't stop myself from staring to be honest.

The difference is saying the stuff that you're thinking, and irl I still find guys to be the first to let their big mouths open over something as petty as looks.

Being both a guy and a jerk I felt like commenting on this. First, guys often judge on looks because our brains tend to work in a more visually oriented way than women. Second, the people who are insulting you are probably very insecure about their own shortcomings or they're sexually frustrated losers, probably both. Either way you should completely disregard anything they say.

"It's the people who speak loudest who are more often heard" This is a good example of that. You should not consider the words of a few individuals to reflect the behavior of the majority of males, just the idiots who can't keep their mouths shut. We ALL have to put up with an incredibly large amount of ignorance and just plain stupidity online, that's just the unfortunate truth. The best way I've found to deal with it is to avoid it when you can and simply ignore it when you can't.

Yes, I should disregard this stuff and have done so for many years now. I've just come to a point in my adult life where I think why? more than anything.

Yeah I guess you're right thought, thanks.


But no really, us silly people just like to get a reaction and piss off (or put down) some people.

But of course, you could always come and hunt all of us down? D:

No fat girl would give a mercy fuck anyway Dob.

Hunt you down? That would require moving :(

I don't at all judge people on their appearances - I always like to get to know a person before I start having an opinion on who they are.

If I still used stickam, I wouldn't say to a pretty looking girl in the room something absurd and vulgar - it's just not who I am. The only time I'd say something vulgar is if that certain person was pushing their luck, but even then, as you know, I don't tend to do that (and if I do, I don't ever include appearances). Of course, I also wouldn't talk down to somebody because they are large.

You say that mainly women wouldn't do this, though: well, I've been on the end of the stick where they have done it - I've been judged by quite a lot of girls because of my height; my longer than conventional hair; and many other things resulting in insulting my appearance. It's made me very self-conscious of who I am over the past 3 - 4 years. I'd say the whole appearance judging situation works both ways.

Overall: I couldn't care what people look like... although, I am a hygiene freak, but that shouldn't really class as an appearance thing really.

Yeah girls in their teens can indeed be bitches. Perhaps I'm just thinking of adults more then teenagers now. I don't know. I know it certainly does work both ways. I'm just going by my internet experience and never had any issues with females, just usually the guys.

As for you on Stickam, yeah I know you wouldn't be horrible to people on there, EXCEPT ME >:( Lol

As for those girls irl, fuck em. You're better then they are. Their looks will last 20 years tops then they'll find that no man will want them anymore due to their lack-luster personalities.

I am an asshole and i admit it. But i am an asshole in Newgrounds only. if i am in Stickam/Aim/Msn or Chatroulette, i try to be a nice person.

I respect a lot women and i've always thought that they're way more mature than men.
Also, maybe because i've grown in a different society than yours, i am used to respect everybody. Fat women, fat men, ugly people, chinese people, black people, etc. I always try to be kind and nice to everyone.

I understand how you feel, or at least try to, and i know it's hard to ignore them, so i won't ask you to do that. Also, i know that comments about how you look can hurt a lot more than just one or two idiots saying "FUCK YOU MOTHERFUCKER". I think that guys in the internet are usually more immature and stupid that girls.

Maybe you've been too much time in the internet, because usually people in Stickam are the ones who do that.

I've never met a guy who says "You're in here talking with fat bitches" in front of the fat person (sorry), it's too rude in my opinion, that guy must be an asshole.

Although, i think you have got your point in almost everything you say, i must disagree in some things.
First of all, men are not the only ones who judge based on the looks, women also do that.
Second, not every single male is a jerk. Maybe you've been getting really bad experiences because of Stickam, but remember that people are hidden behind a monitor so they are not afraid of making people mad. They just don't think about the consequences. I haven't been in Stickam in a while, but maybe those guys are the jerks. Go elsewhere and you'll find intelligent men, like those who posted here, they tried to be nice.

I really like fat people, as long as they are nice.

Well that's it, bye ;D

Thanks for the nice comment, it was a worthy read and to be honest I haven't got much to say as I am in agreement with you.

So there isn't much to say except thanks.


i wont read all that but just to let you know im a gentle spirit and i respect my girlfriend and what she has to say, im not a total dick to her and practically make love to her in public(for those of you who do you know who you are!)

so if your having problems with somebody well....i dont have much advice there....

Lol well good for you still. Good luck with your girlfriend.

Men are very shallow, that's all there is to it. I remember back in 8th grade my friend asked me why I was dating this one girl, and I said "we've been friends for a long time". And hes says "but she's ugly and weird". He had never even talked to her and yet he said she was weird. It was then that I realized that men are very shallow, especially at a young age. We learn that woman are just tools for our sexual pleasure.

But Jon, women are NOT tools for your sexual pleasure and if that is what boys go around thinking then I feel sorry for their poor mothers.

I'm not saying woman are tools for sex. I am saying, in the heads of teenagers, they think that woman are there solely to pleasure the man. I can't tell you how many times I hear from some people, including middle aged men "pussy is pussy". Just yesterday my friend told me he fucked his girlfriend on the first date, and I told him that probably wasn't a good idea. His response "oh well, pussy is pussy".

You know some really nice men.

I have never thought of you as fat...but your stink...that is completely different...


Your stink is worse than your bite. Which is a shame because I like to be bitten in the bedroom. You just don't do it for me.

to be honest, I have never once placed judgement on you simply for your looks. some people aren't as shallow as others, you know. I just wanted you to be a friend, and to be friends with everyone. I have talked to you in the past, way before stickam, way before anything, simply because i thought you were interesting, a fun person to talk to. I joined stickam afterwards just to see the person I enjoyed talking to. Even if I had never seen you, I still would talk to you like I do, still would share the fun times, be there when it counts, and hope you are there when it counts.

There are girls I talk to each day from here that I haven't seen yet, and still talk to as soon as I get the chance too. ReNaeNae for an example, she is my best friend from this site. I haven't seen her once, but I still talk to her every chance i get, simply because she is amazing.

You're a sweet lovely guy Jamie, and I know it's corny as fuck and that I've told you before but I am so glad that I ever bothered with Stickam because it got me talking to people like you, especially you, so I'm grateful.

Because you are a great guy. A smelly guy, but a great one none the less <3

You don't know how awesome it is to say a few words and watch the smarmy happiness fade ever so slowly from someone's face.

Especially since it happens rather rarely.

No, because I've never taken pleasure in hurting someone who I don't know on a personal level enough.

Besides, I never let people know when comments do affect me.

BTW Eat a salad and show tits next time..whore.

Whatever four eyes, go take a shower cock tease.

too far :(




They had to hide him in the gym.



You started lying when you said you had a fun time talking to me.

I always lie about liking you.

It's because men on the internet have watched so much porn that it significantly increases their standards and expectations of how a girl should look. And the reason that they feel they have the right to belittle girls that aren't up to their standards is probably because of their upbringing or the fact that being anonymous on the internet can bring out the worst in you.

That's what I think anyway.

The internet is a bad thing.

"Us girls are generally much less driven by looks" Stop talking for all girls, fatty.

Chicks are just as huge cunts as guys are dicks.. and judge guys based on looks just as often as guys judge chicks. The internet just happens to be filled with more guys than girls. Newgrounds is especially filled with prepubescent guys who try desperately hard to be funny. Stop hanging around and talking with 14 year olds, maybe?

However, I will say that MAAAAAAAAYBE... hormones have something to do with it as well.

Stickam attracts enough females.

The answer is, most of us men are primates.

Just saying.

I try not to act like that, but then I'm a big guy - and I got a lot of shit thrown at me. Not to say I didn't take care of their mouths.

Guess being the big ol' teddy bear makes you more tolerable of stuff - not that anyone shouldn't be.

But yeah, most men are primative creatures, "Sex? Sex! Sex? Sex! Sex? Sex! Sex? Sex!" - Like on Finding Nemo, just not "Mine."

Well they do say that that is all men can think about.

"And little prepubescent fags still grow up to be prepubescent adult fags, they just learn to close their mouth more as they age."

Oh... so they learn how to be females, basically? You're lying to yourself if you don't think that looks are the first thing girls notice in a guy, and that they don't make judgments based on them.

Guys are less emotional than chicks. Guys make fun of everything.

which makes them bigger jerks than girls.

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