But I don't know what about, so I'm just going to keep typing, because I think that is the best way to get things out. You know just by talking, or in my case typing. Thinking can be bad so it's best just to go with the flow, just talk away and let your real feelings out. Seriously you should try it. Just type and don't stop until you know you're done. Don't think, type.
As for my 'melodramatic' blog. I don't know, I'm just feeling so self-loathing again. Money is tight, I'm still at my job I hate, I still have nothing much going for me in my life, certainly I don't when it comes to me, myself. The good things I have going are just a few relationships with certain people and even my ever faithful dog.
It's not brilliant, though sure I am well aware that I have it luckier then people in certain parts of the world. But I'm not them, I can't pretend to be them.
I want more. More of what? I don't even fucking know. Just more then I have, more then I am.
BTW Twilight I am aware that I'm using 'then' incorrectly but I'm just typing, and 'then' flows easier on my fingers and I don't care :(
So yeah, I don't know what to do, and I know the best thing to do is to sort myself out, change my life, blah blah, but I just can't. Lord knows I've tried and failed, too many times. I seem to walk around with a dark cloud above my head, which probably suits me anyway. I do love me some doom and gloom.
And that is me in a nutshell. Doom and fucking gloom.
I just wrote a few paragraphs about something a little scary, then I realised how insane I would look so just deleted it all. Why am I telling you this? I don't know. Why am I not telling you this? I don't know.
I'm just not all there sometimes. I can be wicked, I can be cruel, I can be nice, I can be your best friend. I can be anything, but I'm not anything I claim to be.
I won a mug the other day on Magic FM, that was a good moment for me. I imagine I'll break the mug somehow so that my moment of little joy will die like everything else in my life.
I hate me.
You should hate me too. Seriously, I mean that. If you do already then good for you, because you're right to. I'm a horrible person who offers nothing to this world besides ugliness. I don't want your attention. Find someone else on here to love, to praise. I don't want that.
I told my mother the other night that I was going to kill myself when my dog died. I don't know why and I don't know if I was serious but it was something I've thought about before. She was drinking and being annoying so I told her this, she just told me to not be silly or something and I know that it's silly but it's something I can't stop thinking about.
I hate death but I seem to crave it.
The only shop I look into when I walk down the main road is the funeral directors. Why? I don't even know. It's not like they put dead bodies in the window, just different headstone types and fonts, but I keep looking.
God I have issues.
Sorry for this shit.
I should get back to appreciating good looking men.
/self pity