Obviously there are rare exceptions to this, but it's true, I just hate people.
It's dawning on me more and more when I'm at work that I cannot stand talking to people. Sure the fact that I dislike my job doesn't help matters, but every second there I fake caring. I get bitterly angry at little things in the office and have to relax by loudly cursing and telling no one to "Fuck off". Lucky for me I mostly spend working time on my own so I can get away with madly talking to myself.
I think I would be more fulfilled stacking boxes in a warehouse then this job. I'm going to give myself a tumour with the almost of stress I cause just by talking to people.
So this online is fine, I like it, I thrieve on it, but get me on a phone talking to someone I don't know and I hate it and I've been doing it too long. I just don't like people.
Is there any reason you hate people? It can't completely be everbody elses fault.