One day, don't know when, just know that one day I won't come to Newgrounds anymore (obviously), and I'm sure when that day comes, the day that I'm no longer depositing, no longer posting, no longer caring, no longer here, I will regret all the time that I've spent on here -
Time I could have used much more wisely. I could have studied properly in college for example and still be there, instead of dropping out because I didn't do my assignments; Time I could have put into getting fit, into socialising more, learning an instrument, spending more time with the people I love, the list could really be endless.
So yes when that day comes and I start to regret the wasted time, I know I'll have one thing that Newgrounds gave me that made it all worth it, and that is my friendship with Mechabloby. I can't praise him enough really so I won't start, I probably couldn't love and care for him more either. People always look down on internet socialising, it really isn't ideal, I agree, but never in my 21 years have I met or will I meet a better friend than I've found here online in Mechabloby.
Oliver, you're worth all this wasted time. Now fuck up my lovely blog with a sarcastic joke you tit <3