Being both a guy and a jerk I felt like commenting on this. First, guys often judge on looks because our brains tend to work in a more visually oriented way than women. Second, the people who are insulting you are probably very insecure about their own shortcomings or they're sexually frustrated losers, probably both. Either way you should completely disregard anything they say.
"It's the people who speak loudest who are more often heard" This is a good example of that. You should not consider the words of a few individuals to reflect the behavior of the majority of males, just the idiots who can't keep their mouths shut. We ALL have to put up with an incredibly large amount of ignorance and just plain stupidity online, that's just the unfortunate truth. The best way I've found to deal with it is to avoid it when you can and simply ignore it when you can't.
"Us girls are generally much less driven by looks"
"So why do guys judge firstly and mostly on looks alone, yet girls will tend to listen first and be more accepting of that guy as long as they aren't a total dickhead or something."
That's completly not true and I'm sure you know that, to be honest I'd say it's the other way round. I think the answer is obvious, and it's not just guys.
The whole world does the same thing, humans judge by looks (and that is human nature, better looking is usually who people will mate with) we judge society and who is popular and who is not by their appearance and looks.
It's nothing new; and considering you're on the internet where anyone can say pretty much anything to anybody while hiding behind there IP address and monitor you wouldn't of been the first to be insulted.
It's not just guys, on the internet, sure, seeing as the internet is highly populated by males. IRL it goes both ways.
Oh god I know it's not just the guys, but I tend to have found in my personal experience that girls will be the kinder sex unless of course you upset them and then nothing can stop them.
Yeah I heard years ago that an employer will know within like 5 seconds of an interview whether they want to hire you or not, which comes down to your appearance and the handshake (unless you really fuck the interview up of course). Looks ARE the first thing we judge someone on. If I saw someone with a big birthmark on their face that would be the first thing I think about. The same when I saw an albino guy in real life, I couldn't stop myself from staring to be honest.
The difference is saying the stuff that you're thinking, and irl I still find guys to be the first to let their big mouths open over something as petty as looks.